Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This is a slide of clubs after school for students in AIS. I changed the background color, the font  and the image in a presentation. This slide is for teacher and it is not for student. In this presentaion i put more words in it to make more good. The font of the tittle i change to another font . Only the font of the text i didn't change and i didnt put any picture for it. The background i change more darker so the teacher can easy read. Teacher don't like teenager font so i didn't put it in.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

hw breaking rule

The rule I'm going to talk about is don't post everything that you don't people to know. the consequence will be is you going to jail or my harm people a lot . If you want to post some thing you want to know you can post something that helpful or some thing that true. you already post on blog and you will never can delete that. If you post something many people will know and they will think bad about you . So don't post something that you think are bad or something not helpful for people.

Friday, February 3, 2012

my target

My target for ICT are : create, design movie and design website. Because i never have been working on movie and website . I think i want to do website design so i know how to work on that and get to know more about website. Create and design a movie i think is very fun so i want to work on that and i wan to know things we need when we do a movie . So i think i can work hard on website design and create, design a movie